Blog For Amitious Female Entreprenurs

English & Norwegian



PROJECT ME & YOU💪✨️ 🪐Are you with me on a mental and physical journey on Youtube & Facebook?

February 16, 20247 min read

Without limitations and extreme methods. Because the way you think and what YOU see as a limitation or extreme is about a perspective that will change in the process. - Monica Rasmussen


I will now enter a process where I will challenge myself more and more both mentally and physically, and I want you to join me on the journey behind the scenes through both the blog and my YouTube channel Cosmic Co-Creator which will be in both English and Norwegian.

This journey Is something I  want all ambitious female entrepreneurs to be able to take part in because it can transform their health and business results just by following the journey and implementing what they learn.

project me & you fitness journey for female entrepreneurs


♒️Showing that entrepreneurial women can get "extreme" AWESOME physical results without extreme training or training like a "housewife"

♒️Show that knowing yourself through astrology can become your strongest tool to overcome mental blocks in training and business

♒️Show that Fitness does not have to be at the extremes: either extreme and dangerous to health vs. "housewife gym" approach where you hold yourself back

♒️I want to show you as a female entrepreneur that you can do more than you think in business if you are as ambitious with strength training as with your business with the combination of training and strategic Astrology

♒️I want to show that by doing strength training from a mindfulness and mind muscle connection perspective, you get greater results with less effort. There is no question of compromising on technique.

♒️I want you as a female entrepreneur to see how prioritizing 1.5 hour in the gym for warming up, mindful strength training and stretching at least 4 days a week as an online entrepreneur will increase your mental and physical strength.

♒️I want to show you as a female entrepreneur that the only thing holding you back in business is your own limiting beliefs about yourself, and that there is a way out regardless of age.

♒️I want to show you as a female entrepreneur that the more you EMBODY the version of yourself you dream of, the better results you will get in health, and the more customers will be drawn to you because you show that you are REAL & AUTHENTIC by WALKING YOUR TALK 

♒️I want to break the prejudices and myths surrounding Fitness and show that for many athletes this is the way out of mental chaos, depression and loneliness from life's challenges. It gives you mental strength and an incredible ability to cope with everything that comes your way in business.




Many years ago I lived a destructive life, and had a lifestyle and health that was not good. My inner world was a total chaos with negative thinking and action patterns that made me lead a life, and be a person I was not proud of.

I dreamed of being in insanely good shape and being a strong leader in my own business, but struggled to make it happen. I went through countless health challenges and was burned out three times, on the verge of a fourth. I was in various job situations that I hated and constantly dreamed of having my own business doing things in my own way.

I was very unhappy with the state of life that I myself had created without being aware of it. My “light bulb moment” happened at astrology school. Suddenly I understood how it was all connected, and what was possible if you linked health and mindset together.

I cracked the code itself... I felt it in my whole body, that NOW I have the solution to myself, and why I didn't achieve what I wanted. I applied what I found out and it landed me a 3rd place in the spotlight in a fitness competition. I use the same code in business and health, and in life in general.

Now I help ambitious female entrepreneurs like you to go from frustration about lack of physical results to getting in the shape of your dreams! Get better results in business and more self-confidence and believe in yourself to stand in your full power.

I am passionate about female entrepreneurs feeling strong, steady, self-confident and powerful in health and business! To feel amazing inside AND out!

A story I haven't told much is the two years I got back problems and was put out of training for a whole 2 years! I went from fit to fat!  I had a big break mentally with increased weight, declining physical form and poor self-confidence in business. It resulted in me holding back in business and had a sort of breakdown that led to me writing my book Cosmic Co-creator and rebrand my whole business.


The last year I have been working myself back into shape again and am on a journey where I will further develop my signature method that I use in my signature program Cosmic Fitness & Business Codes with my clients. A method that I have spent over 10 years developing through my own experiences through my knowledge as a professional astrologer and personal trainer.

I am now at the point where I want to develop my method even more in depth- Scorpio style. But to do it properly I have to EMBODY my own method even more than before while on this journey. The idea is to take my physical form to new heights, and beat my previous fitness form by using the knowledge of myself and my method in astrology, and do strength training in a slightly different way than I did when I competed last time.


I'm not doing this to win, to prove something or to get recognition. I consider this a PROJECT ME & YOU, because I want to challenge myself mentally and physically and show that there are other methods than the traditional way,and I want YOU with me on the journey.

When I say that you should workout like a fitness athlete, it's probably not the way you might imagine - an all or nothing approach.

Not as hard and extreme as the last time I competed. But with greater focus on technique, quality, mindful strength training in the form of a great mind muscle connection in connection with the knowledge of myself through astrology.

I'm going to share every single thought I have along the way about everything I have to do in my process, how I deal with it mentally and what tools I use to get out of challenging situations that hold me back mentally. I'll also share how I use astrology to understand the challenge I am in-in the moment.

This is going to have a lot of mindset focus aimed at understanding the personality. I want to motivate you to take your results to new levels and heights without compromising quality of life and business. On the contrary, this should strengthen you as a leader in business and give you better results in health.

Now can you guess what I'm going to do specifically?

Send me a DM on Instagram and say HELLO if you want to follow me on this journey and have my experiences with you along the way.

Subscribe to my YouTube channel Cosmic Co-Creator. There I will create a separate playlist called PROJECT ME & YOU. There you can also follow my podcast where I will share some of my journey along the way.

Join my free facebook group Cosmic Co-creator where I will post daily thoughts, challenges and experiences as I stand in them. Everything from training, astrology to fitness and mindset.

Until now, it is not possible to comment on this blog, so slide into my DM, in the comment sections or in the facebook group in one of my channels, it would be nice to connect!❤😍

And hey, tell me why you want to follow this journey of mine and you're with me, what do you hope to achieve by following along?💪😍

PS: Remember I am open to insights on what you want me to share in this project.

Have a wonderful day!❤🪐Cosmic Love,Monica in Norway

fitnessmindsetfemale entrepreneursstrenghttrainingyoutubefitnessjourneyfemales in online business
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Monica Rasmussen at

Welcome! My name is Monica S. Rasmussen and I am an Astrology Strategist, Author of the book Cosmic Co-Creator, Coach & Online personal Trainer..Founder of the Norwegian based company and the Cosmic Co-Creator Podcast 🪐🎙 I help Female Ambitious Entrepreneurs and High Achievers- who want to create better Fitness & Business results using Astrology and Strength Training. My mission is to empower you through strategic Astrology and fitness so you become a powerful leader in your business knowing you can create anything you desire once you understand the power of your personality type and how you can connect to your highest potential. This is for women who aspire to be the Star and director of their own life and dreams and Co-Create with the Cosmos with the help of astrology. Astrology changed my life. It made me realize what a Powerful Co-Creator I am. That I am in the driver seat of my life and dreams. So are you! In this blog and in my podcast I am going to empower you to create the life, health and business of your dreams so that you can become a powerful Creator and Co-Create with the Cosmos.

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