Blog For Amitious Female Entreprenurs
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“ Building your body is like building your business foundation-step by step"
” - Quote by Monica Rasmussen
In my Project Me & You I want to take you on a journey that can blow your mind, literally! As a former fitness athlete I know the benefits you can learn from a fitness competitor. The three reasons I competed in the first place was to practice what I preach-to use the knowledge of my astrology chart to understand my personality traits so I could conquer my destructive mindset during competition.
The other reason was to go through a hard fitness diet and training so that i could know how it felt like when i worked as a personal trainer so that I could understand what it is like for the physical and mental body.
The third was that it was going to be my signal that I was no longer suffering from physical back pains and other stuff I struggled with.
It has been 7 years since my first and last competition on September 2nd. It was really tough and to keep the story short; I trained to the extreme and my body was exhausted. I said from the beginning it was going to be a one time competition to prove my mental strength.
Lately, more precisely the last couple of weeks I have had an intuition, a nudge to compete again. I had to ask myself if the reason was my ego or my soul guiding me. It kept coming back. Interestingly it just got really strong on the day of the Pluto/Mars conjunction in Aquarius.
I had this instant hit of:
“Yes ofc, i understand now! I am going to transform (pluto) my physical (Mars) body in a competition (mars) using astrology (aquarius) and bring it to the people (aquarius) in a new and innovative way (aquarius) never shown before!”
In the following days I started getting some fear or doubts if it was my ego calling and not my soul. But I could not shake the feeling. Yesterday I went through a 30 min meditation after not meditating for a long time. It became very clear visually.
What I first saw was me as superwoman doing the power pose. I smiled and felt a feeling of amazing mental and physical strength. I then saw myself in a dark green emerald competition bikini with diamant stars in the middle of the bra representing astrology.
I was walking in a bikini in high heels. As I was walking I looked at the sky and I could see all the planets; Mars, Venus, Saturn and so on.
The feeling I got was that I am supposed to show female entrepreneurs that there is a different way to gain physical and mental strength and use the benefit of that in business.
As I write this it is early morning and I have been journaling connecting to my guide Aayah , that i call my higher self. She came to me when i wrote my book cosmic co-creator. Today she gave me a personal message that I want to share with you.
She said to me the following that i channeled through writing:
“ Fitness is one of the paths that you are meant to walk upon, it is part of your destiny. To be in physical form means you are here to have a human experience in a physical body, no matter how that plays out. The physical body is capable of amazing things. Think about the circus artists who hang high up in the sky in ropes and perform their art form with their body.
So do you. They are bringing a feeling of amazement and joy to the people by their art performance. While you show the people what is physically possible for them if they master their mindset and how that can impact their life positively in all areas-that help them create a better and more vibrant life.
You have the gift of showing people that there is another way in fitness, that nobody knows or talks about as much. The power of quantum astrology and physics. That thought creates FORM. So I want you to consider the amazing soul purpose you have, that is not by far near being superficial. I think it is time you show a different side of fitness that is not so well known for people because of the judgment around this.”
I believe I got this message because a part of me has felt that it is not a real soul purpose, it is superficial to be so concerned about the physical body. But the irony is; how can you and I live our best life, feeling vibrant and healthy if we do not take care of our physical wessel that we are here to perform and experience amazing things with?
I believe and see also that people who take care of their appearance and compete in fitness often get misunderstood and judged. From my perspective and experience these are the real strong people, who dare to challenge their mindset and create the results that they desire, to go outside the zone of comfort. Usually these are people who struggled somehow with their physical body like I did in the past.
I have always seen bodybuilding as an art form. I find it fascinating that you can sculpt your body and mind how you desire. But it is not easy, because it requires a mindset that is not only strong, but you have to really understand your patterns that hold you back. That is deep work!
I was born with Pluto/Mercury in my 12th house. Which makes for an obsessive and intensely dark mindset if not aware of the pattern (depending on your personal aspects of course). Pluto transforms my Mercury mindset, by lifting the subconscious and unconscious to a more conscious way of thinking, being and acting.
Being a scorpio, and Pluto is one of the rulers of Scorpio alongside Mars.I know I am here to transform female entrepreneurs' mindset as I have transformed my mindset after living a very dark and destructive scorpionic lifestyle in the past. (Jupiter in Aries represents entrepreneurship and belief- In my 6th house of health and business/daily work)
The 12th house is known for illness, institutions, hospitals,mental breakdowns and the subconscious. But the gift in the 12th house lies in overcoming that suffering and making it a healing power which is very spiritual and has Pisces qualities connected to the 12th house.
I believe that that is the greatest benefit female entrepreneurs can benefit from by implementing a fitness routine regularly in their business. What I experienced after my competition days and diving deep into my astrology chart to understand myself is that it bleeds over into my business in very beneficial ways that can do the same for you:
I got mentally stronger
I am more confident
I have stricter boundaries
I have more discipline
I have more structure
I have great faith and belief in myself and my mission
I have become such a strong person and leader for myself and my clients. Through fitness I prove to myself that I can accomplish anything because I embody what I teach.
I am not saying that female entrepreneurs like you should compete in order to accomplish this. What I am saying is if you make it a habit to show up in the gym doing strength training 3-5 times a week you will see great benefits in your business. It is amazing how empowered you will feel when you take care of your mental and physical body. Since entrepreneurship is a very mental game it will make you take more confident action to accomplish the results you desire.
I am a woman in my late 40`s (48) and I have never been in better mental shape than now. In my 20`s i was in poor shape, lived a destructive life and had patterns that made me a person I wasn't proud of. I also want to show what is possible once you decode yourself, and you understand your patterns in your birth chart.
I am competing again not only for the mental challenge I seek, but because I want to develop my signature method that I use with my clients in Cosmic Fitness & Business Codes ™ even further.
I'm taking this as a PROJECT ME & YOU, because I want to take you with me on every step of my journey to show what is possible when you understand yourself and master yourself and your mindset. What happens when you take your physical form to the next level.
There is a reason they say:
“Transform your mind, transform your body”.
The key lies within you, the power lies within you.
I also want to say that most people think about what they LOSE if they go on a transformational physical journey, but think about what you GAIN- and for LIFE.
To me that's priceless.
I feel I am on a soul purpose journey that goes beyond the physical body now. The reason my business is called Soul Led Business Stars is because I want female entrepreneurs and myself to lead from the soul, from the heart and be the star of our own life.
Realizing that you are a powerful Creator who can create anything you desire❤🪐
It is said:
“The quality of your life is determined by the quality of the questions you ask yourself. If you find you don’t have the life (or results) you want, the very first place to start is to ask yourself better questions—ones that make you accountable for everything you are experiencing, good or bad. When we take responsibility for our situation, we are empowered to change our situation.”
So what would it be worth to you to go beyond your current limitations of mind and belief?
What results would that give you? If the price is priceless, it is most likely worth it.
When i look at my picture now from the competition day, I think to myself:
“ Wow, I made this body! I can create anything I desire!”
After the competition i thought:
“Was this it?!” the stage moment. I thought at the time it was NOT worth the effort and years of hard discipline because I was exhausted.
But looking back now, wow it was so worth the experience, the wisdom and the knowledge i gained of myself that I now use in business and in health. It makes me curious to do it in a different way. Using a quantum astrology perspective, a creator perspective.
I firmly believe that your birth chart is not a set or fixed point, I believe that it is the gateway to create whatever you desire once you understand the cards you are dealt and how you can work with them to create the outcome you desire.
As I write this venus the planet of beauty is in a conjunction with Pluto the transformer. I will make a transformation (Pluto) not only based on “beauty appearance”, but on my values (venus). Currently accompanied with Mars, the planet of physical action only 3 degrees away from the power couple.
They are all squaring my Scorpio Sun and Uranus conjunction in my 1sth house which is the physical body,and the Sun being me, Uranus being the changemaker and trailblazer and representation of innovative ways of doing things.
That's how powerful it is to me. I have this deep felt desire and feeling that this is going to be a journey that will evolve me as a person and in my business. As a soul purpose that will transform female entrepreneurs' lives in ways even I cannot see yet through quantum astrology and fitness.
I want to show you that there is a better way to “get in shape” that is not as extreme, but at the same time show you how much you are capable of when you understand and master yourself, and your mindset-your way of seeing things-perhaps what you once thought was extreme is now your new normal? A new and innovative perspective.
Remember: Building your body is like building your business foundation-step by step.
So if you want to follow my journey on this, subscribe to my youtube channel Cosmic Co -Creator Podcast and the playlist “Project Me & You” - and sign up for blog updates below so you are updated every time a new blog post comes out. Stay tuned for my next steps. I have just contacted a fitness federation in Norway, and am waiting for their response to my somewhat unusual request and intention for competing.
Any thoughts on this? DM me on Instagram and let's have a conversation❤
Cosmic Love, Monica🪐❤
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© Copyright 2024 Soul Led business Stars By Monica Rasmussen orgnr: 917667101- Personvernserklæring - Kjøps og salgsvilkår