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Cosmic Co-Creator -Kjøp signert utgave


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Cosmic Co-Creator: Tap Into Your Power Of Being a Massive Creator Of The Life You Always Dreamed Of By Using Astrology

How you can stop self-sabotaging your life and business dreams with the help of astrology. Tap into your power of being a massive Co-Creator of the life you always dreamed of.

Get awareness and clarity on what holds you back in achieving your dreams. Seen through the lens of Astrologer Monica S. Rasmussen`s story, that goes from destruction to creation with astrology as a main key. From self-awareness and out of negative habitual patterns, into being a responsible creator. Learn how to be the creator of your own life and get clarity of your blind sabotaging spots.

Cosmic Co-Creator is written for female entrepreneurs with big dreams who are sick of their own self-sabotaging bullshit, and living a life in fear

- limiting beliefs - past life trauma- subconscious beliefs

- self doubts - savior complex

- victim mentality - people pleasing and self sacrificing

Destructive negative thought patterns- which all play a role in sabotaging your life and dreams.

Monica S. Rasmussen shares her personal story of destruction and self-sabotaging.How Astrology became her first step unlocking her own and her clients' destructive patterns. Also- getting to know herself on a deeper level gaining clarity and awareness. This led to several spiritual awakenings that opened up a massive realization on how to shift those patterns.

This can help you transform into taking 100% responsibility- of your life & dreams. Gain faith, hope, trust, belief and empowerment in your ability to achieve them.

Monica Rasmussen is an Astrologer from Norway with 10 years experience. Founder of Soul Led Business Stars. She has a special interest in people's personality types, thought and behavioral patterns seen through the lens of astrology to help unlock your potential and live the life of your dreams.

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© Copyright 2024 Soul Led business Stars By Monica Rasmussen orgnr: 917667101- Personvernserklæring - Kjøps og salgsvilkår